Rozhodně čtěte a reagujte na zprávy od Google. Následující příběh ukazuje, jak snadno můžete přijít o svůj byznys během několika dnů a jak těžké je jednat se společností Google.
V září 2013 si vývojář zaregistroval vývojářský účet a publikoval zde několik vlastních aplikací. Také zde publikoval aplikaci pro své kamarády a za úplatu i aplikace svých klientů.
V květnu 2014 přišlo varování o tom, že jedna z aplikací porušuje podmínky obchodu a byla odstraněna:
From: Google Play Support <>
Subject: Notification from Google PlayThis is a notification that your application, Make me old | Face Aging, with package ID com.facechanger.makemeold, has been removed from the Google Play Store.
REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of the Ad Policy:
- Interstitial ads may only be displayed inside of the app they came with. A prominent and accessible target must be made available to users in any interstitial ad so they may dismiss the ad without penalty or inadvertent click-through.
Please refer to the ad walls policy help article for more information.
All violations are tracked. Serious or repeated violations of any nature will result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.
If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a new instance of the application that is compliant with the developer terms. Before uploading any new applications, please review the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.
If you feel we have made this determination in error, you can visit this Google Play Help Center article for additional information regarding this removal.
The Google Play Team
Příslušný klient byl informován, že v jeho aplikaci byly a celá věc tím byla uzavřena, nešlo o mnoho.
V říjnu však přišel email s překvapivou zprávou – Váš Google účet byl zrušen:
From: Google Play Support <>
Subject: Notification of Google Play Developer Account SuspensionThis is a notification that your Google Play Publisher account has been terminated.
REASON FOR TERMINATION: Prior violations of the Content Policy and Developer Distribution Agreement by this or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to the registered email address(es) of the Publisher account(s).
Please note that Google Play Publisher suspensions are associated with developers, and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. If you feel we have made an error, you can visit the Google Play Help Center article for additional information regarding this termination.
Do not attempt to register a new developer account. We will not be restoring your account at this time.
The Google Play Team
Souběžně s tím byl terminován účet Google Wallet:
Subject: Important information about your Google WalletDear Google Wallet user,
Protecting your account from potential fraud is a matter we take very seriously. Due to suspicious activity on your account, your Google Wallet has been temporarily closed.
To reactivate your account, please sign in to your Google Wallet to verify your information. This process takes just a few minutes and once complete, we’ll get back to you shortly.
Please visit our Help Center for more information. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
The Google Wallet Team
Žádost o reaktivaci účtu Google Wallet byla zamítnuta:
Subject: Google Wallet Account VerificationThank you for your email. I understand you have a question regarding your
appeal for account reinstatement.Please be advised that your Google Wallet account has been closed in
conjunction with the termination of your Google Play Developer account.
Your Google Wallet account can only be reinstated if the termination of
your Google Play Developer account is reversed.This means that after successfully submitting an appeal to the Google Play
Team, a re-review must find that your account does not violate the
Developer Terms or the Google Terms of Service, found at Even if this account did not have direct app suspensions associated with
it, we may terminate multiple accounts that are associated with a developer
who has breached applicable Google terms.Please do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any subsequent
developer registrations without an explicit reinstatement by Google will be
closed and your developer account fee will not be refunded.If you’ve read the above information and believe your appeal is still
eligible for consideration, please visit the Google Play Help Center
Article found at appeal submissions will receive an email response indicating whether
the appeal was accepted, rejected, or under further review. Due to the
potentially high volume of appeals, please be advised that subsequent
inquiry emails to the Checkout team will not receive a response, so please
make sure to include only pertinent information in your submission to the
Google Play team.
Subject: RE: [0-xxxxxxx]Hello,
After reviewing your appeal, we have confirmed our initial decision and will not be reinstating your developer account.
Your Google Play Developer account has been terminated due to multiple policy violations by this or associated accounts. For more information on the app removals that lead to this termination please refer to the REASON FOR REMOVAL section(s) of notification emails sent to the registered address(es) of your developer account(s). You may also review the Content Policy and the Developer Distribution Agreement.
Note that Google Play Developer Console terminations are associated with developers, and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. Do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any subsequent registrations will be closed and your developer registration fee will not be refunded.
We are unable to provide further details and will not respond to additional inquiries. We recommend that you utilize an alternative method for distributing your apps in the future.
The Google Play Team
Překvapivá byla informace, že se jednalo o opakované porušení pravidel. Kromě případu z května nebyl žádný takový případ znám.
V tuto chvíli si člověk uvědomí svoji bezmoc oproti korporaci, která ovládá většinu trhu, a proti které není šance. Není kam zavolat, není k dispozici kompetentní reprezentant. A co více – těžko zjistit pravý důvod těchto kroků. Stačí vyhledat frázi „Notification of Google Play Developer Account Suspension“ . Z výsledků je zjevné, že k takovým případům dochází a obnovit Google účet pomůže pouze medializace celé kauzy.
Vtipně vypadal email od Google v podobě upozornění na neodsouhlasení nových pravidel DDA. Mail přišel cca měsíc po zablokování Google účtu:
From: Google Play Developer Support <>
Subject: Final Notice: Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement acceptance overdueHello Google Play Developer,
Our records indicate that you have not yet accepted the updated Developer Distribution Agreement („DDA“) for the Google Play developer account registered to the primary account email address To help ensure that developers and apps on Google Play are operating under the same policy, we will be removing apps published under accounts which have not accepted the DDA.
If you do not accept the updated DDA, Google reserves the right to suspend your account at anytime after the previously communicated deadline. This is a notification that Google will remove all apps published from all non-compliant accounts on or around February 2015.
To avoid the removal of your apps from the Play Store, please take a moment now to sign in to the Developer Console with your primary account to accept the agreement. For additional support and answers to frequently asked questions about accepting the DDA, please visit the DDA article on our Help Center.
Please note that if you can sign in and fully access your Developer Console, this means you have already accepted the latest DDA and no further action is required. If you’ve already accepted the DDA, please accept our thanks and disregard this email.
Google Play TeamGoogle Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Play service or account.
Subject: Re: [xxxxx] Your appeal for reinstatementDear Google Play Developer,Thanks for getting in contact with Google Play. Your appeal has been
submitted successfully and will be reviewed by a specialist. The ticket
number for your appeal is referenced in the subject of this message, and
you should receive a response from us within 72 hours.Please refrain from sending duplicate appeals as this will not reduce
response time.Thanks,
The Google Play Team
V roce 2020 přišel Google s novou administrací obchodu Google Play a nabízela se možnost požádat o přezkoumání celé věci.
Bohužel, stejný výsledek, jen jiná šablona:
Subject: Re: Your message about Google Play [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]Hi developers at xxxx,
Thanks for your patience.
After review of your appeal, we’re unable to reinstate your developer account.
Your Google Play Developer account has been terminated due to multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies by an associated Google Play developer account. We’ve reviewed and confirmed this association.
Google Play Developer account terminations are associated with developers and may span multiple account registrations and related Google services. Do not attempt to register a new developer account. Any new accounts will be closed and your developer registration fee will not be refunded. We recommend that you use an alternative method for distributing your apps in the future.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Google Play TeamPlease visit the Google Play Developer Policy Center and Google Play’s Academy for App Success to learn more about building policy compliant and high quality apps. You can also visit the Android Developers Blog for the latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
Z poslední komunikace je vidět, že byl do procesu zapojen člověk. Zamítací odpovědi v průběhu let přicházely s takovou rychlostí, že bylo zřejmé, že je zpracovávala pouze armáda robotů.
Celý příběh je velkým varováním a napomenutím ke zvážení, jak velkou důvěru vkládat do služeb jako je Google.